May 22

The Secret Life Of Plants – Debussy Intro

The Secret Life of Plants

Words and Music by Stevie Wonder with an introduction by Debussy

I came upon this song that I recorded about 5 years ago and it was so beautiful that I thought I’d share it again. The music is haunting and evocative of a secret communication between plants that we may be unaware of. And as always, Stevie’s words say it all:

And what we think as insignificant, provides the purest air we breathe…
But if you ask yourself where would you be, without them you will find, you would not

So please join me in marveling at the wonders of nature, and take a break from all of our worldly concerns, for at least a few minutes (3:42 to be exact.)


Dr. Weiss

PS For the story behind my arrangement: click here

PSS Plant lovers might enjoy a book that a patient of mine turned me on to: The Overstory by Richard Powers, which was heavily inspired by the life and work of forest ecologist Suzanne Simard. Simard is best known for her research on how  fungi and roots facilitate communication and interaction between trees and plants, and her own book about her research being ridiculed before it was vindicated is also fascinating, Finding The Mother Tree.